"There is no perfect solution for every weather condition. But we know: based on your riding style, your intensity, and your personal temperature perception, we can quite accurately determine which combination of styles is best for you. Our spring bike wear tips!"
Bikewear in spring according to the onion principle
Onion principle? One might think it's old hat. But combining bikewear in spring essentially depends on your temperature perception, the outside temperature, and the intensity of your activity.
"There is no perfect solution for every weather condition. The all-in-one solution that covers all temperature ranges and weather whims cannot exist. Just as not all cyclists have the same sensitivity to cold. What we do know is: based on your riding style, your intensity, and your personal temperature perception, we can quite accurately determine which combination of bikewear in spring is best for you."
"Take a look at our cyclist categories. In the one where you identify the most, you will receive the optimal recommendation for your very own onion principle."

Frostbite - Range 0-10°C

"Schnatter" is your favorite word.
You are on familiar terms with your goosebumps. They visit you every now and then. Layer upon layer, you throw on clothes, yet you never really feel warm in your bikewear in spring. Only the thought of Grandma's tiled stove and hot tea keeps you alive on the tour. Nevertheless, you are tough. Sure, an extended bike ride in icy weather and sunshine can be wonderfully lonely and yet wonderfully beautiful. That makes up for a lot. However, it would be even nicer not to have to thaw your blue toes at Grandma's tiled stove at the end of the fresh air supply. For you, the only solution is: More is more. So that you can still move on the bike, we present to you the best bikewear in spring - even for nasty weather. Our premise: Little volume, little weight but more insulation. Therefore, when it comes to thawing:
- Long Bib Tights – Windproof, water-repellent, and lined with Merino. You can't make cold days in spring more pleasant. – MOK Pro Merino Bib Tights
- Baselayer long sleeve – The base for frostbite: Merino x Tencel long sleeve baselayer. Gentle on the skin and best heat performance. - LONG Sub Baselayer
- Merino Shield Jacket – The same material as the MOK Bib Tights leads to the best performance in wind and cool temperatures. - BRIES Pro Merino Jacket
- Merino Insulation West – Fits perfectly over the BRIES Jacket and provides extra warmth thanks to wool insulation. Absolutely windproof! DUUNSOOL Pro Wool Insulated Jacket
- Merino Socks – Hello and goodbye cold feet! Merino socks against the famous blue toes are always a good choice. - HUOSM Sub Socks
- Cold ears? – Elastic, wind- and water-repellent Merino beanie for under the helmet. - KLODT Pro Head
- Wool Insulation Jacket – When nothing else works, the windproof and wool-insulated DUUN Jacket is still an option. If that doesn't help, only a bed will do, and no bikewear in spring.
The Hunters: Area 15-25°C

It's all about seconds, wattage, and training plans. You have committed to completing at least three triathlons and one Ironman this summer. Yeah. Respect! We think that's great! It's completely clear that you want to train for it, so that even the last grams of body fat melt away. Your blood is in constant turmoil because you push your limits even in training. That's why it almost never gets too cold for you – at least not during training. But you're currently still training mostly on the trainer. Only when it reaches sixteen, seventeen degrees do you venture outside. Short / Short is the motto for your bikewear in spring. But you don't want to catch a cold either! What you need is breathable clothing, as light as possible, quick-drying, and maximally flexible. But be careful! After training, the sun may already be shining in early April, but the thermometer still only shows 8 °C. Therefore, it is especially important that you wrap up well after training, during breaks, or while regenerating outdoors. After all, you don't want cold viruses to ruin your first competition. That's why here are our tips for your bikewear in spring. Get ready:
- Short Bib Shorts – Best performance for many hours in the saddle, thanks to the 3-D seat pad with three different hardness levels. Ideal in combination with knee or arm sleeves. - SNELL Pro Bib Shorts
- Baselayer short sleeve – Cooling at high intensity. That is the goal of our mesh baselayer. Ideal for transferring sweat to the jersey. - UNNER Pro Baselayer
- Long Sleeve Jersey Ocean Waste – When it's still too cold for a short sleeve jersey. Performance-oriented, lightweight long sleeve jersey with a brushed inner side. - VELOZIP LS Pro Ocean Waste Longsleeve Jersey
- Optional: Shortsleeve – Too warm for a longsleeve or more flexibility desired? Our top jersey in combination with arm sleeves. - VELOZIP Pro Ocean Waste Jersey
- Knee warmers, arm warmers, leg warmers – For full flexibility and every temperature with our Merino accessories: KNEE, ARM, LEG, KLODT and SIMM.
- Wind vest – Absolutely windproof, absolutely lightweight, absolutely compact! Less weight and pack size while still being water-repellent and elastic is not possible. – KAMSOOL Pro Windvest
- Statement and Comfort Provider: Our Pro Socks for high intensity and best comfort thanks to 3D mapping. - HUOSM Pro Socks
- Wool Insulation Jacket for After Sports / Recovery – When the air is out and relaxation is on the agenda: windproof and wool-insulated DUUN Sub Jacket. Sleeping bag feeling guaranteed!
The Pleasure Bikers – Range 10-20°C

Ahhhh! How beautiful. The first warm rays of sunshine! If you're lounging comfortably on the bar stool of your favorite café in the sun and enjoying a cappuccino, then you're in the right place. Sure, you've got the first kilometers in your legs, but your motto is: The journey is the destination! Maybe you're on a bike-packing tour and you don't have to be anywhere for three days. Who knows! In any case, it can't be cozy enough for you. Little stress, high comfort factor – that applies to your bikewear in spring. That's why you value a small pack size, comfortable styles, and Merino wool is certainly not a foreign word to you. But it shouldn't be too cold either. The golden mean is what we're looking for. No problem. We have the best recommendations for an optimal comfort environment for you. Here are our tips for your bikewear in spring:
- Long Bib Tights – The Light One for the Shallow. Lightweight bib tights made from recycled nylon with a brushed inner side. Ideal for moderate to cool spring temperatures. – MOK Evo Bib Tights
- Optional: Bib Shorts – Is it too warm for long bib tights or do you want more flexibility? Then our all-rounder is ideal for everything that comes. Especially great in combination with knee sleeves. - SNELL Evo Bib Shorts
- Baselayer short sleeve – The foundation for comfort: Merino x Tencel Baselayer. Gentle on the skin and best heat performance. - UNNER Sub Baselayer
- Knee warmers, arm warmers, leg warmers – For full flexibility and every temperature with our Merino accessories: ARM, KNEE, LEG.
- Long Sleeve Jersey Merino – Temperature regulating Merino wool inside, robust nylon outside. Perfect for many hours or days on the bike and large temperature differences. - VELOZIP LS Sub Jersey
- Wind jacket - Absolutely windproof, absolutely lightweight, absolutely compact! Less weight and pack size yet still water-repellent and elastic is not possible – Test winner! – KLEEN Pro Jacket
- Bikepacking in the evening or as a pillow – Wool Insulation Jacket for cool bikepacking evenings. Windproof and insulated with wool! Sleeping bag feeling guaranteed and can be converted into a pillow with the integrated packing bag. DUUN Sub Jacket
- Cold ears? – Elastic, wind and water-repellent Merino headband for under the helmet. - SIMM Pro Headband
- Merino Socks – Hello and goodbye cold feet! Merino socks against the famous blue toes are always a good choice. - HUOSM Sub Socks